RUS 000 | 2 MONTHS | THURSDAYS | @7:45
2 Months | Speaking & Grammar Review
Available spots
Service Description
RUS - 000 | Speaking & Grammar Review Start every lesson with a friendly warm up game. Tell us about your day. Buy a movie ticket. Name 10 food items. This course is a review of Russian Grammar, reinforced by speaking exercises. Topics we cover in RUS 000: Questions: How much? What kind? What do you like more? Which one? Where? Who? Nouns: Places in the city, food, clothing items Verbs: to give, to tell, to call, to write Cases: Dative, Prepositional, Instructions mental More details will be posted soon. Once paid, registration fees for the Russian Crash Course, games, and other events are not refundable. For more details visit: https://www.russiancrashcourse.com/policy

Contact Details
925 S Niagara St, Denver, CO 80224, USA
+ 720-667-9937