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Russian Spy Names

Writer's picture: Agent AnaAgent Ana

Updated: May 22, 2019

Welcome, agent! As a spy you need to have an authentic-sounding name which fits your personality and keeps you undercover. Here is a list of common Russian names. Find the one which sounds similar to your American name like Ronald-[Roman], shares a part like Lana-[SvetLana] or translates into it like John - [Eevan]. Good luck!

List include names, nicknames and reference to a personal feature (this one is subjective opinion based on personality of Russians I met with such names). The list is given as a general guidance and source of inspiration. If you are not finding a fitting "secret agent" name, check this website for more names or text me in a chat and will help you.

PS: Among friends and other agents you will be called by a nickname, so choose wisely.


Arthur | [artur] - yes like in King Arthur. Fun guy. Nickname: [artoor] - Артур.

Alexander | [aleksandr] - Nickname: [sa-s-sha] Саша or [San-yok] if you are cool.

Andrew | [an-dre-iii] - modern Russian name. Nice guy. Nickname: [an-dre-iii] - Андрей.

Boris | [bor-ee-s] - stress on second syllable. Tough guy. Nickname: [bor-ee-s] - Борис. Constantine | - yes, like in a Keanu Reeves movie. Fun guy. Nickname: [cos-tya] - Костя.

David | [dah-vid] - Simple guy. Nickname: [da-vid] - Давид.

Michael | [me-ha-ill] - Fun guy. Nickname: [me-sha] - Миша.

Paul | [pa-vel] - Tough guy. Nickname: [pa-sha] - Паша.

Nicolas | [ni-ko-lai] - Tough guy. Nickname: [col-ya] - Коля.

Roman | [ro-man] - popular modern name. Simple guy. Nickname: [raw-man] - Роман.

Vladimir | [vla-di-mir] - yes like Putin. Tough guy. Nickname: [vo-va] - Вова.

Vladislav | [vla-di-slav] - Fun guy. Nickname: [v-lad] - Влад.

Victor | [vic-tor] - Tough guy. Nickname: [vi-t-ya] Витя or [vi-yok] if you are cool.

Zachary | [za-ja-r] - Nice guy. Nickname: [za-har] - Захар.


Anna | [anna] - Nice girl. Nickname: [an-ya] - Аня.

Bella | [bella] - Simple girl. Nickname: [bell-la] - Бэлла.

Alexandra | [alex-san-dra] - Nice girl. Nickname: [sa-sha] - Саша. - yes "С" is Russian "S"

Sonya | [son-ya] - yes like in Mortal Combat. Nice girl. Nickname: [Son-ya] - Соня.

Janna | [ja-na] - older name. Fun girl. Nickname: [jah-na] - Жанна.

Carina | [ka-ri-na] - Tough girl. Nickname: [ka-ri-na] - Карина.

Katherine | [ka-te-ri-na] - Tough girl. Nickname: [ka-tya] - Катя.

Helen | [ye-le-na] Fun girl. Nickname: [le-na] - Лена.

Nataly | [na-ta-li-ya] Nice girl. Nickname: [na-ta-sha] - Наташа.

Nika | [ni-ka] Fun girl. Nickname: [ni-ka] - Ника.

Nina | [nee-na] - old name. Fun girl. Nickname: [ni-na] - Нина.

Rita | [ree-ta] Fun girl. Nickname: [ree-ta] - Рита. - yes "P" is Russian "R"

Julia | [you-lee-ya] Simple girl. Nickname: [you-lya] - Юля.

Victoria | [vic-to-ri-a] Fun girl. Nickname: [vi-ka] - Вика.

Zarina | [za-ri-na] - Nice girl. Nickname: [za-ri-na] - Зарина.

Can you spell your name? Say no Russian ever.

Concept of nicknames is extremely popular in Russian. Take something like: Edward → Ted or Teddy, multiply it by 25 and start using for every social occasion. Yes, in Russia we take it to a whole new level. The language lets you create multiple nicknames so easily that we have a set list of formal names. As a result we don't have concept of spelling.

So, when you are making an appointment over the phone, no-one would ever ask you to spell your name.

You would never have your name misspelled in STARBUCKS.

No stranger would ever mispronounce your name.

Concept of Russian Names

Each Russian name has at least 5 different ways to say it, depending on your intimacy with the person, level of respect and your mood. As a result, when we choose name of newborn baby, we often follow a set list of names available for the birth certificate. The spelling usually is set as well. As a result if you are Alexandre you can't be Olexander, Xander or Alex in your passport.

With the formal name Alexander, you will be: Alexander Popov on official meeting, Alex - among cool friends, Sasha at home, Sash-ka in a palyfool way, San-yo-k if you are from the hood. Russian is creative language and also can create another 25 ways to change your name depending on situation.

So, what would be your Russian name?

Enjoy pictures of a Starbucks cups from Russia, where names are always spelled correctly. Anyone who can tell me what are the names, will get 20 extra points for the game.






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925 S Niagara St Suite 500, Denver, CO

Room 410A 4th Floor

Colorado Springs Office:

102 S Tejon St Suite 1100, Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Hours of Operation

Denver Office 

Monday: 4pm-9pm

Tuesday: 4pm - 9pm

Thursday: 4pm - 9pm

Saturday: 4 pm - 7pm

Colorado Springs

Sunday: 10am-4pm

Broomfield Office

Tuesdays: 2pm-6pm

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